C Basic:-
learn c programming videos
Why should i learn C programming language
The History of the C Language
C – Language History
About C
C Programming Data Types
Data Type in 'C'
Algorithms and Flowchart
Flowchart In Programming
Flowchart Theory
Defining Pseudocode
Pseudocode Examples
C Programming Variables and Constants
C programming basics
C Standard Library Functions
C Programming Operators
C Preprocessor and Macros
C Programming if, if..else and Nested if...else Statement
C Programming Functions
C Programming User-defined functions
Types of User-defined Functions in C Programming
C Programming for Loop
C programming while and do...while Loop
C Programming switch Statement

C Programs:-
hello print in C program
C Program for print 1 to 10
C program to add two numbers
Print integer in C program
Addition without using third variable in c program
C program to add two numbers repeatedly
Adding numbers in c using function
C program to check odd or even
C program to odd or even using conditional operator
C program to check odd or even using modulus operator
C program to check odd or even using bitwise operator
Calculator in C program
Reverse number In C program
C program to reverse number using recursion
C program to swap two numbers
C program to Swapping of two numbers without third variable
C program to Swap two numbers using pointers
C program to Swapping numbers using call by reference
C program for prime number
C program for prime number or not
C program for prime number using function
C program for Palindrome number
C program to check leap year
C program for factorial program
C program for Factorial using function
C program for Factorial using recursion
C program for Armstrong number
C program for Fibonacci series using for loop
C program for Fibonacci series using recursion
C program to find hcf and lcm
C program to find hcf and lcm using function
C program to find hcf and lcm using recursion
C program to check whether input alphabet is a vowel or not
C program to check vowel using switch statement
C program to convert decimal to binary
C program code to store decimal to binary conversion in a string
C program to calculator
C Program To Calculator without Switch
C Programmming for Calculate Simple Interest
C program to add two matrix
C programming to Source Code to Add Two Matrix
C program to Subtract matrices
C program to Matrix multiplication
C Program to Multiply Two 3 X 3 Matrices
C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix

C program to print patterns
C Program to Draw Pascal's triangle
C program to print diamond pattern
C program to display reverse pyramid.
C Program to display Floyd's Triangle.
C program to print the pyramid of digits in pattern as below.
C Program To display the pyramid
C Program To Display inverted half pyramid
C Program to print triangle of characters as below
C Program To display the triangle pattern
C Program To display the triangle using *
c program for print patterns given by fig

Is in progress.............
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